Monday, August 1, 2011

Shark Week

Last night i ventured from the "Egmont Place" over to Dexter park to visit a few lady friends. They insisted on making me dinner and giving me back messages so I mean, naturally, i agreed to make the 2 minute walk across the street to say hello.

It just so happened that not only was this Sunday, the greatest day of the week in terms of television, but SHARK WEEK was starting. This could only mean one thing. I was about to see a shit load of sharks catapult themselves out of the water for no reason. It was naturally giddy with excitement.

When i entered the 9th floor of Dexter park and entered the room, I immediately caught glimpse of a setting i began questioning. The TV was showing the latest episode of True Blood, a show that has been deduced to catering to little girls sexual fantasys, and a room FULL of sorority girls.

Now dont get me know, these were all nice girls, but when grouped together, with the common bond, that of which was ripped male vampires, were-wolves, were-hyenas, leprechans, and whatever other mystical creature the writers could cast an attractive male to, the women because wepons of mass destruction. I decided to stay and brave the storm, that of which was screaming girls, and gossip, so fast passed that my meager male mind did not even stand a chance of keeping up with.

It was all worth it, though, upon seeing the first magestic great white leap 5 feet into the air after snatching some sort of small trout in his mouth. A little flashy and unecessary if you ask me Mr. Shark. Oh well, i guess thats why its called "Shark Week" and not flounder week. :p