Monday, August 1, 2011

Shark Week

Last night i ventured from the "Egmont Place" over to Dexter park to visit a few lady friends. They insisted on making me dinner and giving me back messages so I mean, naturally, i agreed to make the 2 minute walk across the street to say hello.

It just so happened that not only was this Sunday, the greatest day of the week in terms of television, but SHARK WEEK was starting. This could only mean one thing. I was about to see a shit load of sharks catapult themselves out of the water for no reason. It was naturally giddy with excitement.

When i entered the 9th floor of Dexter park and entered the room, I immediately caught glimpse of a setting i began questioning. The TV was showing the latest episode of True Blood, a show that has been deduced to catering to little girls sexual fantasys, and a room FULL of sorority girls.

Now dont get me know, these were all nice girls, but when grouped together, with the common bond, that of which was ripped male vampires, were-wolves, were-hyenas, leprechans, and whatever other mystical creature the writers could cast an attractive male to, the women because wepons of mass destruction. I decided to stay and brave the storm, that of which was screaming girls, and gossip, so fast passed that my meager male mind did not even stand a chance of keeping up with.

It was all worth it, though, upon seeing the first magestic great white leap 5 feet into the air after snatching some sort of small trout in his mouth. A little flashy and unecessary if you ask me Mr. Shark. Oh well, i guess thats why its called "Shark Week" and not flounder week. :p

Sunday, July 31, 2011

4th Floor Mugar

Its Sunday, and I'm up on Mugar Memorial Library's esteemed 4th floor doing a little procrastinating and I'm starting to feel like I'm in some sort of other dimension.

The weirdest shit happens up here.

First thing I see when the elevator lets me off is a man, about 40 years old, sitting at a cuby, using a full sized stereo to listen to the radio. No joke. I'm talking ghetto blaster status. This thing was plugged in and everything. When he realized that I was about to join him, he was courteous enough to attach his 1990, Sony over hear headphones in. Good man.

After setting up shop in my own respective cubical, I notice some activity in my perifs. I take a quick glance to my right and catch a glimpse of a full fledged make out sesh by a younger asian couple in between the book shelves. Hm. I mean whatever floats your boat I guess.

And last but not least, after my first hour or so here, i was comforted by the site of two mice scurrying past me, apparently scavenging for a little dinner this evening.

What a place.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

does AAA really mean jack shit?

Well it looks like Moody's and Standard and Poor's, two prestigious firms who assign credit ratings to businesses, derivatives, girls, etc, have "threatened" to remove the United States AAA credit rating.

This threat to downgrade the US's credit is backed by the argument that the government will not be able pay its bills come August 2nd if legislation is not passed. They also draw attention to he current US debt which is well over $14 trillion.

Now remember, these are the same rating firms that gave Lehman Brothers, currently being dissolved and bankrupt from the subprime mortgage crisis, and AIG, an insurance firm that at one point was 80% owned by the government, AA and AAA rating right before government intervention. Lehman held a AAA rating right up to the moment they went bankrupt. Apparently they thought this was the right call because the employees who 'analized' these companies before the collapse still have jobs and some even promotions.

Correct me if I'm wrong but unless AAA means "you probably shouldn't invest, this shit is sketchy" I don't know if these ratings are entirely accurate.

The United States government is about to run out of money. The last time this was even a problem was in 1983. The budget is not balanced, government officials cannot stop bickering to come close to a resolution, and expenses are at an all time high.

Why is it that these agencies have waited until less then a week until the government defaults on its expenses to possibly lower their rating?

I'm not sure I am going to take these ratings into account during my next day trade.

check out this bear. He seems confused too

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Southern Tide....The South's answer to Vineyard vines?

Well, a good friend of mine mentioned today that some Southernern's are starting to feel pretty bad ass now that they have their own brand of clothing boasting an origin from the south, much like Northerners very own Vineyard Vines.

Vineyard Vines has gained a somewhat substantial market share in the past few years helping to build a market for "preppy" dress and casual clothes. It often competes with brands such as Polo and J. Crew and has proven itself that it is here to stay. They have become well known for putting prints on shorts and pants. The company was officially incorporated in 1992 by two brothers, Shep and Ian, both of whom quite corporate jobs in Manhatten to found the brand.

Vineyard Vines originated on Martha's Vineyard, an island south of the Cape, and draws much of its design and functionality from the lifestyle of New Englanders and the north east.

I thought i'd check out this brand that is the South's so called "answer to vineyard vines". Lets take a look.

Upon going to Southern Tides website, the first tab I went to was "Our Story". The first thing I see is a guy looking to be around my age, maybe 20, 21, who is most likely still going through puberty. At first I was unsure if this in fact was the founder, but it seems as though I was not mistaken.

The first constructive criticism I'd like to share with our friend, lets call him Frank for the sake of identification, is that he might want to rethink the name of his brand. The name Southern Tide is somewhat misleading because he directly says in his first sentence that "the idea...was not born on the coast of South Carolina" but in fact was draw from the "historical architecture and couture clothing to high-performance sports cars" he found on a trip to Italy.

So it seems like maybe a better name for this brand would be something like "A touch of Italy" or "Mediterranean Tide" or even "Musk of Mussolini" because this guy doesn't seem to be drawing his "inspiration" from the deep south or even our beloved Carolina's.

The second thing that I would like to address to our friend Frank is that if all of this inspiration hit him like a brick when he went over to Italy for a couple days, why isnt it reflected in his clothing? I mean I literally feel like i'm on vineyard vines website while im browsing through the Men's clothing section. There are pictures of preppy ass bros in Polo's, pullovers, and kacki's galore. I mean jesus h. christ, I could have started a business like this and taken a whole bunch of Polo clothing and Vineyard Vines clothes and put a Bear on it for a new logo and declared it "Newark Knots" and called it New Jersey's answer to Vineyard vines and it would really be the same thing.

Listen, the logo isnt bad, and the shirts look like they are pretty good quality, but I mean cmon, lets see some friggin originality. And as for the south's "answer to Vineyard Vine", you guys might need to do a little better then this. It kinda just seems like you kiddies wanna be northerners. But then again, who doesnt.

Apparently our friend "Frank" is actually an Allen.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Well, in typical Washington form, we are waiting till the last minute to get this debt problem figured out .

President Obama went on national television last night in an attempt to explain why a deal has not been brokered between Republicans and Democrats on capital hill. He hoped to bring much needed explaining and insight to the American people on the current issue that is our nations finances.

Apparently, Speaker of the House, John A. Boehner, wasn't able to compromised with the President in private negotiations at the White House. As soon as the press got wind of their meeting, Boehner bailed on any progress they had made. I see a trend here.

I do not question Speaker Boehners patriotism or devotion to this country with this post, I only question his courage and ability to make the tough decisions. You cannot bail on making ANY decision when it may make your next campaign difficult. We, the people, elect these officials in the confidence that they WILL make the tough decision when they are needed, no matter WHAT it may do to their chances of being reelected.

It is common knowledge that the general public can be typically uninformed on the accurate details of current affairs. The main stream media has the ability to use decisions such as a possible Speaker Boehner agreement to a somewhat modest collaboration with liberals as treason to the GOP, but he needs to realize that this issue is bigger then his possible triffles in future campaigns.

The possible default of the United States Government is THE biggest issue on the national stage. No one knows for sure what a default for the US government could cause, but one thing is for sure; whether it be Treasury secretary Geithner, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, or William Dudley, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the problem, it not dealt with, could leave the economy in shambles for years to come. I know in my earlier post I had mocked an artical in the Economist on how a defaulting US government may not be as bad as many analysts think, but I have given it some thought and come to a realization. Why should we have to take that risk in the first place?

Get your shit together Republicans. Stop acting like mule's and be open to suggestions. Something is better then nothing. We put y'all in office because we thought you could figure things like this out. Maybe its time for a fresh set of representative......

Lets see what Obama's 11am meeting today yields.

check the live blog

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Unity at BU

So I've been doin a little drinkin and discussing with some gentlemen from Boston University tonight. Although we have been on MANY tangents we have come to an overall conclusion about our discussion tonight.

The male population a Boston University is having a hard time unifying.

We need some sort of way of connecting guys to meet and discuss their view, get more involved on campus, and create more of a presence. I know the administration wants more school pride and unity and I agree that this is a problem. There is a movement starting here and I am hoping to get a discussion going among the gents here at BU, from all social groups. Lot of talent here going unnoticed.

Ima post something tomorrow when I've had some more time to think about this.

'till next time.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Debt Ceiling bullshit

I'm starting to get tired of hearing about 'raising the debt ceiling' and how 'America's credit rating will be lower' from its esteemed 'AAA' rating.

FOX new's has just about raped this story the ammount they are airing it. Alright, so its pretty obvious that Obama has basically been spending money like an over privledged girl in Beverly Hills but whats done is done; The House and Congress need to act. I mean some of these reports talk about this issue like the apocolyps will be here come August 2nd, the suspected day the Governemnt will run out of availible funds.

The Economist ran an article in last weeks edition putting a lot of blame on the 'Tea Party' activists and Grover Norquist's, a lobbyist for American's for Tax Reform. The Economist seems to think there is potential for 'an eventuality with incalculable consequences' for the world economy unless the debt ceiling is raised. I smell liberal propoganda.

Listen, lets get to the point of this post. Instead of passing blame and bickering like a bunch of fucking sorority girls lets figure this shit out. I have the upmost confidence that a decision will be made before August 2nd, and if the government decides to hold firm on not raising the debt ceiling, then the appropriate cuts will be made.

The United States government and its representatives are not the only ones who have over borrowed and overspent. Look at the average Americans credit card debt, or the cause of this recession we find ourselves still climbing out of. Americans have a tradition of borrowing beyond their limits and wanting/having more then they might need or even want.

Instead of passing blame, we should be looking at how we should move forward in government regulation, cuts, legislation etc, and how we as American's can live more fiscally responsible lives.

Ight, ima hit the gym. Peace